All Articles Displays Hints Marketing Training Vendors INSTORE SJN Retailworks Contact Larry Johnson Consulting for a FREE 30 minute consultation! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... There is still time to correct common display mistakes before the season really hits! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Sign Design Guidelines – Creating Signs your Customers will Read Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Stop making shopping at your store so difficult! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Focal Point Displays – the Feet Follow the Eyes Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... How to make your store customer-centric Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Space Illumination Space Illumination will make or break your selling environment. The correct lighting will create an ... Wanna sell more? Learn to “Think like a customer” Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... Looking without seeing During a recent trip to a conference, a friend asked me to stop by his jewelry store for a quick ana... How to avoid the top 10 mistakes jewelers make in their displays I spend a lot of time in jewelry stores! As a visual merchandising consultant, I am in all types of ... TJC Summer 2024 Click to view Summer 2024 magazine. Check these articles out: Ask yourself “Why?” and watch sales increase Anyone that spends much time around young toddlers has likely experienced that beautiful age in whic... The 20-40-40 Rule One of the simplest ways to enhance the perceived value of a piece of jewelry in a showcase is to di... Helpful Hint: Floorboards You can give your showcases a new look for about $35 each by rewrapping your floorboards. It is real... 26 Activities to Manage Aging Inventory There are two major problems with aging inventory. • First and foremost it stops you from buying the... 20-40-40 One of the simplest ways to enhance the perceived value of a piece of jewelry in a showcase is to di... Low hanging fruit Over the last few weeks, I have been spending more time out in stores working with independent jewel... Make your store easy to shop Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... The effective use of Bakers Carts and Pan Trays The use of rolling bakers carts is an effective way to transport your displays from your sales floor... How to make your Bridal displays more effective It’s a busy Saturday afternoon in the store when in walks this young couple, hand-in-hand, and make ... My Store Monitor is a great idea for jewelers Now that technology has worked it’s way into seemingly every aspect of our lives, it follows that th... Thoughts on creating your website Recreating the great in-case presentation you built inside a 2 meter wide showcase to the 5cm screen... The most important question you ask can sometimes be “Why?” Anyone that spends much time around young toddlers has likely experienced that beautiful age in whic... Don’t display in your case what you shouldn’t be showing in the first place! At the recent Canadian Jewellers show in Edmonton, I had a nice talk with a young, Canadian jeweller... The most common mistakes jewelers make Travelling around the country working with independent jewelers is not only a very rewarding experie... Is your store an easy place to shop? Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... Your showcase is your “bench” I frequently advise my consulting clients to think of their display showcases as the “desks” or “wor... Get ready, get set … to Go! As the Holiday sales season approaches, it is the perfect time for the retail jeweller to take a few... I got another bad case of … In last month’s issue, I began this study of the differences in display strategies that the successf... I got a bad case of … The task of improving the display presentation in a retail jewellery store is actually a multifacete... If Goldilocks owned a jewelry store… Every experienced retailer has an entertaining cache of stories about some “crazy customers” that ha... “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!” Thanks, Franklin D. Roosevelt for these words. Sometimes, my clients are hesitant to make changes in... Little Things Mean A Lot How often have you heard the phrase…. “Little things mean a lot?” As a jewelry visual merchandiser, ... My Store Monitor/My Store Menu My StoreMonitor is an effective way to put your store TV to work for you selling your store ser... Fruchtman Marketing We’re jewelry marketing experts for a reason. As jewelry marketing experts, Fruchtman Marketing has ... Grid 3- Ruth Mellergaard GRID/3 International partners, Ruth Mellergaard has worked as an interior designer for 30 years in N... Balaity Properties – Jesse Balaity Jewelers don’t just sell products. You build relationships from trust, quality, value, service, and ... Store Interior Ideas LJCS is pleased to have worked with the best Store Interior designers in the industry today. Ruth, J... Display Element Color Ideas There are many color options in use around the jewelry industry. This portion of our site shows you ... Suggested Vendors After many years of being in the jewelry display/fixture/packaging industry, I have had dealings wit... Displaying Estate Merchandise For most retailers the sale of estate merchandise is a very profitable category. I frequently see ma... Deal of the Day (or Week or Month) Promotion Everyone like a good surprise that appears to offer a great deal. Lowes uses the concept in their bi... The “What’s New?” Promotion Concept No one likes to shop at a jewelry store that never has any new merchandise. Many stores have a const... Top 10 Gift Idea Concept If a man walks into a jewelry store during any time of the year (except for early February, early Ma... The “Inventory Performance Report by Category” Edge Report One of the beautiful aspects of computer management systems like The Edge are the in depth reports t... The “Good-Better-Best” Display Placement Strategy (20-40-40) There is a very specific way to set your merchandise up in a showcase. When using platforms in your ... Your Grandfather’s Window Display It IS your grandfathers jewelry display. Seventy-five years ago, retailing was a lot simpler. You ha... How To Clean Your Displays Effectively And Without Damage Cleaning and restoring your jewelry displays There is no argument that displays are an investment in... The Front 6″ Of Your Showcase and How To Use It Properly A common mistake jewelers make when setting up their showcases each day is pushing merchandise too f... Approximate Monthly Payment Signage Chain jewelry stores sell a majority of their merchandise through financing. When you simply have a ... How To Wrap A Showcase Floorboard Wrapping a floorboard with new fabric is one of the least expensive and quickest ways to give your c... How To Calculate Your Target Sales Per Foot of Showcase Industry reports will tell you that the average independent retail jeweler has about 2000 sq ft of s... Emotional Adjectives Words have power and adjectives are the most powerful of all. If someone tells a woman she looks “Ni... What kind of “restaurant” is your store? Drive down virtually any busy street in your city and count the restaurants. It staggers the mind to... Ten things you can do with your store displays to increase your profits this … and next year! 1. Clean up your showcases. Use Your Head When You Setup Your Showcase Using your head when setting up the showcase! Tell Me A Story In Your Showcase The following is a reprint of an article by Larry Johnson that appeared in Canadian Jeweller magazin... Vendor Displays The integration of vendor-provided displays into an independent store’s presentation……. ... 7 Minute Seminars – Cleaning Your Displays This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... 7 Minute Seminars – Before Opening Checklist This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... 7 Minute Seminars – A New Approach to Bridal Display This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... 7 Minute Seminars – Jewelry Cleaning Do’s and Don’ts This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... Display Merchandising for Success: “You did that on purpose!” Years ago, my wife and I attended a very interesting and thought provoking seminar by Dr. Wayne Dyer... Displaying with “Intention” Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... INSTORE Seminar on “Top 10 Mistakes…” I conducted a seminar for INSTORE entitled, “The top 10 display mistakes jewelers make when re... Great idea for under $100!….It’s “What’s new?” Jewelry stores are vibrant, organic places. There is new merchandise coming in and going out almost ... Why a “Good-Better-Best” merchandising strategy pays off in more sales and profits. THE SUCCESS of thoughtfully implemented “Good-Better-Best” (G-B-B) pricing strategies has been prove... Display topic articles from INSTORE magazine On this page, we have posted links to an assortment of articles written by members of our team and a... The Right Way to Display Loose Gemstones How do you display loose gemstones securely and attractively? Let’s start with security. Every store... On Merchandising: The Gift of Ideas Help your customers — and your sales — with specific gift selections. In November, I had reason to g... On Displays: Setup Magic Don’t fall into the same-old thoughtless presentation of your cases. Setting up the showcases in a j... On Display: Maximize Case Space A simple formula tells you a sales goal for every case in your store Industry reports will tell you ... Ask INSTORE: August 2006 Easy ways to clean suede, finding a good appraiser, and taking a fresh grip on handshakes. Homespun ... Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Next Contact Larry Johnson Consulting for a FREE 30 minute consultation! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... There is still time to correct common display mistakes before the season really hits! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Sign Design Guidelines – Creating Signs your Customers will Read Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Stop making shopping at your store so difficult! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Focal Point Displays – the Feet Follow the Eyes Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... How to make your store customer-centric Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Space Illumination Space Illumination will make or break your selling environment. The correct lighting will create an ... Wanna sell more? Learn to “Think like a customer” Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... Looking without seeing During a recent trip to a conference, a friend asked me to stop by his jewelry store for a quick ana... How to avoid the top 10 mistakes jewelers make in their displays I spend a lot of time in jewelry stores! As a visual merchandising consultant, I am in all types of ... TJC Summer 2024 Click to view Summer 2024 magazine. Check these articles out: Ask yourself “Why?” and watch sales increase Anyone that spends much time around young toddlers has likely experienced that beautiful age in whic... The 20-40-40 Rule One of the simplest ways to enhance the perceived value of a piece of jewelry in a showcase is to di... 20-40-40 One of the simplest ways to enhance the perceived value of a piece of jewelry in a showcase is to di... How to make your Bridal displays more effective It’s a busy Saturday afternoon in the store when in walks this young couple, hand-in-hand, and make ... My Store Monitor is a great idea for jewelers Now that technology has worked it’s way into seemingly every aspect of our lives, it follows that th... Thoughts on creating your website Recreating the great in-case presentation you built inside a 2 meter wide showcase to the 5cm screen... The most important question you ask can sometimes be “Why?” Anyone that spends much time around young toddlers has likely experienced that beautiful age in whic... Don’t display in your case what you shouldn’t be showing in the first place! At the recent Canadian Jewellers show in Edmonton, I had a nice talk with a young, Canadian jeweller... The most common mistakes jewelers make Travelling around the country working with independent jewelers is not only a very rewarding experie... Is your store an easy place to shop? Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... Your showcase is your “bench” I frequently advise my consulting clients to think of their display showcases as the “desks” or “wor... Get ready, get set … to Go! As the Holiday sales season approaches, it is the perfect time for the retail jeweller to take a few... I got another bad case of … In last month’s issue, I began this study of the differences in display strategies that the successf... I got a bad case of … The task of improving the display presentation in a retail jewellery store is actually a multifacete... If Goldilocks owned a jewelry store… Every experienced retailer has an entertaining cache of stories about some “crazy customers” that ha... “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself!” Thanks, Franklin D. Roosevelt for these words. Sometimes, my clients are hesitant to make changes in... Little Things Mean A Lot How often have you heard the phrase…. “Little things mean a lot?” As a jewelry visual merchandiser, ... What kind of “restaurant” is your store? Drive down virtually any busy street in your city and count the restaurants. It staggers the mind to... Ten things you can do with your store displays to increase your profits this … and next year! 1. Clean up your showcases. Display Merchandising for Success: “You did that on purpose!” Years ago, my wife and I attended a very interesting and thought provoking seminar by Dr. Wayne Dyer... Displaying with “Intention” Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Why a “Good-Better-Best” merchandising strategy pays off in more sales and profits. THE SUCCESS of thoughtfully implemented “Good-Better-Best” (G-B-B) pricing strategies has been prove... Display topic articles from INSTORE magazine On this page, we have posted links to an assortment of articles written by members of our team and a... The Right Way to Display Loose Gemstones How do you display loose gemstones securely and attractively? Let’s start with security. Every store... On Merchandising: The Gift of Ideas Help your customers — and your sales — with specific gift selections. In November, I had reason to g... On Displays: Setup Magic Don’t fall into the same-old thoughtless presentation of your cases. Setting up the showcases in a j... On Display: Maximize Case Space A simple formula tells you a sales goal for every case in your store Industry reports will tell you ... Ask INSTORE: August 2006 Easy ways to clean suede, finding a good appraiser, and taking a fresh grip on handshakes. Homespun ... Prev 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Next Contact Larry Johnson Consulting for a FREE 30 minute consultation! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Display Element Color Ideas There are many color options in use around the jewelry industry. This portion of our site shows you ... Displaying Estate Merchandise For most retailers the sale of estate merchandise is a very profitable category. I frequently see ma... The “Good-Better-Best” Display Placement Strategy (20-40-40) There is a very specific way to set your merchandise up in a showcase. When using platforms in your ... Your Grandfather’s Window Display It IS your grandfathers jewelry display. Seventy-five years ago, retailing was a lot simpler. You ha... How To Clean Your Displays Effectively And Without Damage Cleaning and restoring your jewelry displays There is no argument that displays are an investment in... The Front 6″ Of Your Showcase and How To Use It Properly A common mistake jewelers make when setting up their showcases each day is pushing merchandise too f... How To Wrap A Showcase Floorboard Wrapping a floorboard with new fabric is one of the least expensive and quickest ways to give your c... Ten things you can do with your store displays to increase your profits this … and next year! 1. Clean up your showcases. Use Your Head When You Setup Your Showcase Using your head when setting up the showcase! Tell Me A Story In Your Showcase The following is a reprint of an article by Larry Johnson that appeared in Canadian Jeweller magazin... Vendor Displays The integration of vendor-provided displays into an independent store’s presentation……. ... Why a “Good-Better-Best” merchandising strategy pays off in more sales and profits. THE SUCCESS of thoughtfully implemented “Good-Better-Best” (G-B-B) pricing strategies has been prove... Display topic articles from INSTORE magazine On this page, we have posted links to an assortment of articles written by members of our team and a... On Displays: Setup Magic Don’t fall into the same-old thoughtless presentation of your cases. Setting up the showcases in a j... On Display: Maximize Case Space A simple formula tells you a sales goal for every case in your store Industry reports will tell you ... Ask INSTORE: August 2006 Easy ways to clean suede, finding a good appraiser, and taking a fresh grip on handshakes. Homespun ... Prev 1 2 3 Next Contact Larry Johnson Consulting for a FREE 30 minute consultation! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... There is still time to correct common display mistakes before the season really hits! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Sign Design Guidelines – Creating Signs your Customers will Read Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Stop making shopping at your store so difficult! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Focal Point Displays – the Feet Follow the Eyes Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... How to make your store customer-centric Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Space Illumination Space Illumination will make or break your selling environment. The correct lighting will create an ... Wanna sell more? Learn to “Think like a customer” Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... Looking without seeing During a recent trip to a conference, a friend asked me to stop by his jewelry store for a quick ana... How to avoid the top 10 mistakes jewelers make in their displays I spend a lot of time in jewelry stores! As a visual merchandising consultant, I am in all types of ... Ask yourself “Why?” and watch sales increase Anyone that spends much time around young toddlers has likely experienced that beautiful age in whic... The 20-40-40 Rule One of the simplest ways to enhance the perceived value of a piece of jewelry in a showcase is to di... Helpful Hint: Floorboards You can give your showcases a new look for about $35 each by rewrapping your floorboards. It is real... 26 Activities to Manage Aging Inventory There are two major problems with aging inventory. • First and foremost it stops you from buying the... Low hanging fruit Over the last few weeks, I have been spending more time out in stores working with independent jewel... Make your store easy to shop Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... The effective use of Bakers Carts and Pan Trays The use of rolling bakers carts is an effective way to transport your displays from your sales floor... Little Things Mean A Lot How often have you heard the phrase…. “Little things mean a lot?” As a jewelry visual merchandiser, ... Display Merchandising for Success: “You did that on purpose!” Years ago, my wife and I attended a very interesting and thought provoking seminar by Dr. Wayne Dyer... Displaying with “Intention” Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... INSTORE Seminar on “Top 10 Mistakes…” I conducted a seminar for INSTORE entitled, “The top 10 display mistakes jewelers make when re... Great idea for under $100!….It’s “What’s new?” Jewelry stores are vibrant, organic places. There is new merchandise coming in and going out almost ... Why a “Good-Better-Best” merchandising strategy pays off in more sales and profits. THE SUCCESS of thoughtfully implemented “Good-Better-Best” (G-B-B) pricing strategies has been prove... Display topic articles from INSTORE magazine On this page, we have posted links to an assortment of articles written by members of our team and a... The Right Way to Display Loose Gemstones How do you display loose gemstones securely and attractively? Let’s start with security. Every store... On Merchandising: The Gift of Ideas Help your customers — and your sales — with specific gift selections. In November, I had reason to g... On Displays: Setup Magic Don’t fall into the same-old thoughtless presentation of your cases. Setting up the showcases in a j... On Display: Maximize Case Space A simple formula tells you a sales goal for every case in your store Industry reports will tell you ... Ask INSTORE: August 2006 Easy ways to clean suede, finding a good appraiser, and taking a fresh grip on handshakes. Homespun ... Prev 1 2 3 4 5 Next Contact Larry Johnson Consulting for a FREE 30 minute consultation! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Wanna sell more? Learn to “Think like a customer” Ever visit a website in search of a solution or to make a purchase and after a few minutes of diffic... Looking without seeing During a recent trip to a conference, a friend asked me to stop by his jewelry store for a quick ana... How to avoid the top 10 mistakes jewelers make in their displays I spend a lot of time in jewelry stores! As a visual merchandising consultant, I am in all types of ... Ask yourself “Why?” and watch sales increase Anyone that spends much time around young toddlers has likely experienced that beautiful age in whic... The 20-40-40 Rule One of the simplest ways to enhance the perceived value of a piece of jewelry in a showcase is to di... My Store Monitor/My Store Menu My StoreMonitor is an effective way to put your store TV to work for you selling your store ser... Store Interior Ideas LJCS is pleased to have worked with the best Store Interior designers in the industry today. Ruth, J... Deal of the Day (or Week or Month) Promotion Everyone like a good surprise that appears to offer a great deal. Lowes uses the concept in their bi... The “What’s New?” Promotion Concept No one likes to shop at a jewelry store that never has any new merchandise. Many stores have a const... Top 10 Gift Idea Concept If a man walks into a jewelry store during any time of the year (except for early February, early Ma... The “Inventory Performance Report by Category” Edge Report One of the beautiful aspects of computer management systems like The Edge are the in depth reports t... Approximate Monthly Payment Signage Chain jewelry stores sell a majority of their merchandise through financing. When you simply have a ... How To Calculate Your Target Sales Per Foot of Showcase Industry reports will tell you that the average independent retail jeweler has about 2000 sq ft of s... Emotional Adjectives Words have power and adjectives are the most powerful of all. If someone tells a woman she looks “Ni... Display Merchandising for Success: “You did that on purpose!” Years ago, my wife and I attended a very interesting and thought provoking seminar by Dr. Wayne Dyer... Why a “Good-Better-Best” merchandising strategy pays off in more sales and profits. THE SUCCESS of thoughtfully implemented “Good-Better-Best” (G-B-B) pricing strategies has been prove... Display topic articles from INSTORE magazine On this page, we have posted links to an assortment of articles written by members of our team and a... The Right Way to Display Loose Gemstones How do you display loose gemstones securely and attractively? Let’s start with security. Every store... On Merchandising: The Gift of Ideas Help your customers — and your sales — with specific gift selections. In November, I had reason to g... On Displays: Setup Magic Don’t fall into the same-old thoughtless presentation of your cases. Setting up the showcases in a j... On Display: Maximize Case Space A simple formula tells you a sales goal for every case in your store Industry reports will tell you ... Ask INSTORE: August 2006 Easy ways to clean suede, finding a good appraiser, and taking a fresh grip on handshakes. Homespun ... Prev 1 2 3 4 Next Contact Larry Johnson Consulting for a FREE 30 minute consultation! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... 7 Minute Seminars – Cleaning Your Displays This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... 7 Minute Seminars – Before Opening Checklist This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... 7 Minute Seminars – A New Approach to Bridal Display This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... 7 Minute Seminars – Jewelry Cleaning Do’s and Don’ts This short seminar focuses briefly on a topic that can make your store more successful. Contact Larr... INSTORE Seminar on “Top 10 Mistakes…” I conducted a seminar for INSTORE entitled, “The top 10 display mistakes jewelers make when re... Contact Larry Johnson Consulting for a FREE 30 minute consultation! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... My Store Monitor/My Store Menu My StoreMonitor is an effective way to put your store TV to work for you selling your store ser... Fruchtman Marketing We’re jewelry marketing experts for a reason. As jewelry marketing experts, Fruchtman Marketing has ... Grid 3- Ruth Mellergaard GRID/3 International partners, Ruth Mellergaard has worked as an interior designer for 30 years in N... Balaity Properties – Jesse Balaity Jewelers don’t just sell products. You build relationships from trust, quality, value, service, and ... Suggested Vendors After many years of being in the jewelry display/fixture/packaging industry, I have had dealings wit... Why a “Good-Better-Best” merchandising strategy pays off in more sales and profits. THE SUCCESS of thoughtfully implemented “Good-Better-Best” (G-B-B) pricing strategies has been prove... Display topic articles from INSTORE magazine On this page, we have posted links to an assortment of articles written by members of our team and a... The Right Way to Display Loose Gemstones How do you display loose gemstones securely and attractively? Let’s start with security. Every store... On Merchandising: The Gift of Ideas Help your customers — and your sales — with specific gift selections. In November, I had reason to g... On Displays: Setup Magic Don’t fall into the same-old thoughtless presentation of your cases. Setting up the showcases in a j... On Display: Maximize Case Space A simple formula tells you a sales goal for every case in your store Industry reports will tell you ... Ask INSTORE: August 2006 Easy ways to clean suede, finding a good appraiser, and taking a fresh grip on handshakes. Homespun ... Prev 1 2 Next There is still time to correct common display mistakes before the season really hits! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Stop making shopping at your store so difficult! Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... How to make your store customer-centric Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Looking without seeing During a recent trip to a conference, a friend asked me to stop by his jewelry store for a quick ana... How to avoid the top 10 mistakes jewelers make in their displays I spend a lot of time in jewelry stores! As a visual merchandising consultant, I am in all types of ... Ask yourself “Why?” and watch sales increase Anyone that spends much time around young toddlers has likely experienced that beautiful age in whic... The 20-40-40 Rule One of the simplest ways to enhance the perceived value of a piece of jewelry in a showcase is to di... Display Merchandising for Success: “You did that on purpose!” Years ago, my wife and I attended a very interesting and thought provoking seminar by Dr. Wayne Dyer... Displaying with “Intention” Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Prev 1 2 Next Sign Design Guidelines – Creating Signs your Customers will Read Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Focal Point Displays – the Feet Follow the Eyes Grab your customers’ attention from afar with an intentional focal point, and watch them walk toward... Space Illumination Space Illumination will make or break your selling environment. The correct lighting will create an ...